Official Rules of “Baikal Raсe 2017”
Terms and conditions
(Information for mushers)
Of the dog sled race on long distance
"Baikal Race 2017" ( «Baikal race 2017")
Irkutsk region
General terms:
This regulation defines the order of the long-distance dog sled race "Baikal Race 2017" (hereinafter - the race), the rights and duties of its members and other persons.
1. The organizers of the race
1.1. "Baikal Dog-sledding center."
1.2. Regional public organization "Federation of riding sports of IRKUTSK REGION"
2. Date of the race: 4.03 -11.03 2017
2.1. the race is held in a single step from 4 to 11 March 2017.
2.2. start time is 17:00 (Irkutsk time), Irkutsk, Solnechniy district, icebreaker "Angara".
2.3. Location: Russia, Irkutsk region, Irkutsk.
3. Discipline and distance:
The race is linear, start is the same for all distances.
3.1. Skijoring: 56km, 155km.
3.2. Dog-sleds: 56km, 155km, 500 + km.
4. Judge team:
4.1. Race marshal (chief judge) - Elena Litvinova (Perm);
4.2. Judge (assistant marshal) - XXXXX (Xxxxxx).
4.3. Timekeeper - Enina Olga (Irkutsk).
4.4. Chief veterinarian of the race - BahteevKamil (Yaroslavl);
5. Applications:
Register is preliminary
Application form is filled on the official website of the race or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the following format: discipline (dog-sledding, skijoring), distance (56km, 155km, 500+ km) participant’sfull name, participant’s age, breed of dog, dogs’ nicknames, dogs age, e-mail, phone number, full name of assistant.
One application is accepted from one participant for one discipline, distance.
One application for one assistant is accepted from one participant.
Applications will be accepted until February 10, 2017.
6. Fees, terms and order of payment.
6.1. Entry fee:
Dog-sledding 500+ km.- 8000 rubles.
Dog-sledding 155 km.- 6000 rubles.
Skijoring 155 km.- 6000 rubles.
Dog-sledding 56 km.- 5000 rubles.
Skijoring 56 km.- 5000 rubles.
Fees will be accepted until February 10, 2017 inclusive.
6.2. The price of the entry fee includes:
- check in;
- Participation in the competition;
- Start number;
- Veterinary inspection;
- Straw for Steak-outs.
7. Terms of payment
- If you cancel the application after 10.02.2017 fees will not be refunded.
- If you fail to appear to the race - fees will not refunded.
All contributions shall be paid to the card of Sberbank, number 42768800 6588 9226 (BakharevaDaria O.).
The organizing committee reserves the right to refuse to register any party due to the reasons, which seem the organizers weighty for refusal.
8. Conditions of admission. Mushers.
8.1. Qualification:
Mushers are admitted to the race past the qualifications:
8.1.1. For all disciplines: the successful completion of the race at the race BaikalRace-2016 (without result)
8.1.2. To discipline skijoring: document confirming the passage of 10 km in 40 minutes (speed of 15 km / h) in dog-sledding season 2016-2017.
8.1.3. To discipline dog-sledding: document confirming the passage of 40 km and more in dog-sledding season2016-2017.
8.2. Mushers are admitted to competitionwho submitted a request till 10/02/2017, have registered, fully paid the fee, are at least 18 years old.
8.3. Mushers under age 18 may participate with a written permission from a parent or guardian, must also attach a birth certificate of the participant.
8.4. The musher is required to fully implement the regulation of the race, decrees and decisions of the Race Marshal.
8.5. The musher is obliged to register with the organizing committee within the time specified in the racing program.
8.6. When registering a musher signs a document of understanding the degree of risk in participating in this race. In case of refusal, participationof the applicant in the race is not allowed.
8.7. The musher shall wear a start number. Number is issued by the organizers of the race. Throughout the race (on the opening and closing ceremonies, when driving on the highway, at checkpoints, at the awards ceremony) start number on a musher must be clearly visible. Without thestart number the participant is not allowed to start and continue the movement after the checkpoint.
8.8. Participants are personally responsible for the safety and preservation of its assets and property of third parties.
8.9. The rider must assist help to the veterinary inspection team with dogs.
8.10. Inhumane treatment of animals and disrespect to people is not allowed.
9. Number of dogs.
9.1. Skijoring at a distance of 56km: start no more than 2 dogs. It is allowed to finish with one dog.
9.2. Skijoring at a distance of 155km: start no more than 2 dogs, it is allowed to finish with one dog.
9.3. 4-6 dog harnesses - 56km: start 4-6 dogs, finish at least 3 dogs;
9.4. 6-8 dog harnesses - 155km: dogs start 6-8, finish at least 4 dogs;
9.5. Dog harnesses 8-10 - + 500 km: start 8-10 dogs, finish at least 5 dogs and
10. Terms of admission. Dogs.Veterinary control.
10.1. In competitions athletes can participate with dogs of any breed.
10.2. Age of dogs at a distance of 56km - over 12 months. Dog's age is determined on the day prior to the beginning of the competition.
10.3. Age of dogs at distances of 155km, 545km - over 18 months. Dog's age is determined on the day prior to the beginning of the competition.
10.4. All dogs should be provided with veterinary passport stamped on anti-rabies vaccination (not earlier than one year and not later than thirty days before the date of the competition).
10.5. All dogs entered for the race must be chipped and have supporting documents.
10.5.1. After the start of the race, the dog cannot be replaced or added to the harness / rider. It is prohibited to change dogs between riders, from one dog-sled to other dog-sled.
10.6. All dogs should be provided with reference №1 form.
10.7. Decisions and requirements of chief veterinarian are absolute.
10.8. The primary veterinary inspection, registration, scanning and chip marking of dogs are performed in the time specified in the racing program. Only marked dogs are allowed to participate in the race.
10.9. Veterinary control of the dogs will be carried out throughout the race.
10.10. It is restricted to use the dog in the race, that has not passed veterinary inspection and registration, as well as unmarked dog.
10.11. In the case of the death of a dog, no matter where it happened and under what circumstances, the musher is obliged to provide the animal carcass to the nearest checkpoint and immediately notify the race marshal or the veterinarian. This incident is under investigation and the relevant procedures.
10.12. In the case of the dog death, the musher is disqualified if:
10.12.1. Traces of beatings, inhumane and cruel treatment of animals are found (even if the beatings were not the main cause of death of the dog);
10.12.2. The cause of death became the heat stroke;
10.12.3. The cause of death was dehydration;
10.12.4. The musher had been warned by a veterinary surgeon in writing form about the removal of the dog, but he did not follow that recommendation;
10.12.5. The musher hid the fact of death of his dog (regardless of cause).
10.13. Veterinary inspection.
Chief veterinarian and the veterinary team will make veterinary inspection before the race. (exact time and place of the inspection are indicated in the race program included in the Preliminary Information of the musher or are issued to the participants by the organizers no later than 3 days before the race).
10.13.1. All dogs participating in the race must be available to veterinary inspection at the appointed time at the appointed place. The dog which has not passed veterinary control is not allowed to take part in the race.
10.13.2. General rules on doping and banned drugs lists IFSS apply to competitions in riding sports
Throughout the race (starting with the first meeting of riders and finishing at the last stage) it is prohibited to use oral, topical, or injectable medications that suppress or mask the illness or injury. It is forbidden the use of any drugs or artificial methods to increase or attempts to improve working performance of dogs.
10.14. A short list of prohibited substances:
- Anabolic steroids (such as nandrolone or Equipoise)
- Analgesics (and available without prescription) - such as codeine, opiates
- Anesthetics - local or general, such as lidocaine, ketamine, propofol
- Antihistamines - such as diphenhydramine
Anti-inflammatory drugs, including:
- Corticosteroids - such as prednisolone, dexamethasone, cortisone, etc.
- Antiprostaglandiny - such as benamin
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory - such as Rimadyl
- Salicylates - oral and topical administration, such as aspirin
- DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide)
- Bronchodilators - such as theophylline
- Stimulants - such as caffeine
- Preparations for cough - such as dextromethorphan
- Diuretics - such as furosemide (Lasix)
- Muscle relaxants - such as methocarbamol
- Tranquilizers - such as acepromazine
- Drugs that stimulate the heart and anticholinergics - such as atropine and digoxin
- Erythropoietin (EPO)
10.15. Throughout the race (since the first organizational meeting and to the finish of the last stage) the athlete has no right, without the consent of a race veterinarian, to give his dog any medication. At any stage of the race Veterinary Service has the right to take the dog urine / blood / wool analysis. If the test analysis reveals the use of illicit drugs, the driver will be disqualified.
10.16. Veterinarians have the right to use these drugs for the treatment of dogs, but in this case the dog is disqualified.
10.17. Throughout the race any injection to dogs is prohibited. In the case of injection a dog is removed from the competition. In the case of hiding the fact of injection the rider penalties up to disqualification.
10.18. Chief veterinarian and a team of veterinarians will carry out veterinary checks at the start-finish line and on the track throughout the race and will be available in race-free time throughout the event.
10.19. Riders are required to comply with all requirements of veterinarians associated with the care of the dogs, their feeding and medication to assist the veterinarian with the examination and treatment of dogs.
10.20. Chief veterinarian or Marshal of the race can reject the participating of the dog in the race for any reason which is considered significant.
10.21. Chief veterinarian or the Race Marshal may remove any dog from participating in a particular stage, for reasons that are considered significant. After recovery of the dog and the access to participation in the race by chief veterinarian and Marshall, the dog may be put in harness to continue the competition. Returning to the dog sled without the approval of the Chief Veterinarian may result in penalties up to disqualification of the rider.
10.22. Throughout the race ONLY official veterinarian of the official veterinary team has the right to conduct inspection, treatment, and provide advice on the state of health of the dog. Otherwise the organizers, referees and veterinary team disclaim responsibility for the health of dogs. For riders who accepted veterinary assistance from any person other than the official veterinarian of the race, penalties may be imposed.
10.23. The driver is obliged to inform the race veterinarian about all medicines, Vitamins and feeding adoptedto dogs before and during the race.
11. Route.
11.1. Maximum length of the route - 500+ km (with intermediate finish 56km and 155 km).
11.2. The width of the track is 1.5-2 m.
11.3. The height difference is not more than 450m.
12. Track marking
12.1. The track throughout the distance will be marked with colored in red color wandsand have reflective material on the top.
12.2. The distance between the wands is from 100m to 300m, depending on the complexity of the route.
12.3. Marks are located on the right in the direction of travel.
12.4. Before dangerous areas marks will be equipped with a warning sign in the form of intersecting strips of reflective material, after the dangerous section - in the form of two parallel strips of reflective material.
13. The passage of the track.
13.1. Member of the race passes all the route set by the organizers.
13.2. The driver may be on the sled, push off by foot, run next to the sled.
13.3. The driver, who lost harness / dog must catch up with her and is obliged to accept any help to restore a free harness / dog.
13.4. It is prohibited to transfer a passenger during the race, except the cases caused by the critical situation.
13.5. Anyone can stop and hold a free harness / dog. Assistance is limited to holding the sled, except in cases where free or uncontrolled sled creates a real danger to themselves, other people or harnesses.
13.6. No rider can accept outside help in taking care of the dogs and meet their daily needs, except the aid, allowed by Marshal of the race for all participants.
13.7. Filmed judge or descended from the race participant shall officially notify the judge at the next checkpoint.
13.8. The driver can make a stop outside the track, without interfering with the movement of other harnesses.
13.9. Do not leave any trash on the track, halts and checkpoints.
13.10. Replacing the dogs on the track is prohibited.
14. Dogs removal
14.1. Removal of dogs is allowed only on the control points.
14.2. Technical support forremoval of dogs is the sole responsibility of the rider or the assistant.
15. Help to the rider (for distances of 56km, 155km):
15.1. At the checkpoints the musher can take advantage of the services of his assistant
15.2. The assistant must be registered before the start of the race.
15.3. Musher is allowed to use the services of one of his assistant, and solely on the control points.
15.4. On the route (between control points) to use the services of assistant is prohibited.
15.5. Assistants get to control points on their own.
15.6. The assistant should have a badge with his name and the name of the musher.
15.7. Age of assistant is not less than 18 years.
15.8. Replacing incapacitated equipment should be organized with the approval of the Race Marshal and his instructions.
15.9. In the case of removal of the dog by the decision of the Race Marshal or the Chief veterinarian, as well as in case of dog-sled removal by Marshall, Marshall authorizes contact with an official assistant of rider who will be able to evacuate a dog, dogs, or the whole team.
15.10. for a distance of 500 +km assistants are not provided.
16. Placement of dogs:
16.1. Dogs are placed exclusively on the stack-outs. Stack-outs are arranged next to placements of riders at all control points;
16.2. Placement of dogs in houses or cars is prohibited
16.3. Hay stack for-outsis provided by the organizers.
16.4. Cold water for dogs is provided by the organizers in unlimited quantities.
16.5. The driver is liable for the damage and destruction of property in the placements.
16.6. Rider or Assistant on their own:
16.6.1. Decide on the stack-out organization, feeding and caring for dogs in designated areas;
16.6.2. Organize the preparation and distribution of feed and water the dogs.
16.7. Nutrition and care for dogs is carried out outside or technical placements.
17. Cleaning of the territory:
17.1. The rider is obliged to keep cleanliness in places of dogs placing. (Organizers will provide mushers gear and bags for cleaning-out the stack-out).
17.2. Stationary and intermediate stack-outs, including checkpoints, should be removed from the hay, dog feces and other debris. Cleaning is held by a rider driver or his assistant.
17.3. Start from spots of rest is performed after cleaning the stack-outs.
18. Rest. Time for rest at checkpoints
18.1. During the race there is the mandatory rest time for musher. Time is cut off from the in one of the control points as soon as the driver informs the Marshal of the race (the volunteers). According to the decision of the rider he can spend more time to rest, but its start time begins after a rest and additional rest time will not be deducted from his result.
18.2. For a distance of 56 km - the mandatory rest time is undivided, undefined.
18.3. For a distance of 155 km - 4 hours - a mandatory indivisible rest, recreation point for the mandatory rest a rider determines himself in its sole discretion (one of the control points).
18.4 For a distance of 500 + km - 8 hours - a mandatory indivisible rest. A point for the mandatory rest a rider defines himself at its discretion (one of the control points).
19. The route of the race. Checkpoints.
19.1. The route map of the race will be given to participants at the mandatory mushers' meeting.
19.2. The route of the race.
19.3. Distance 56km
• Start - Irkutsk, Solnechniy district, icebreaker Angara,
• movement in the reservoir up to the checkpoint SibirskayaZaimka (30km)
• further on reservoir to the villageBolshayarechka,
• continue to move on the mainland parallel to Baikal highway,
• furtherintersect the Baikal highway and to the hotel Pribaikalskaya (finish 56km)
19.4. Distance 155km
• Start - Irkutsk, Solnechniy district, icebreaker Angara,
• moveing in the reservoir up to the checkpoint SibirskayaZaimka (30km)
• further on reservoir to the villageBolshayarechka,
• continue to move on the mainland parallel to Baikal highway,
•furtherintersect the Baikal highway and to the hotel Pribaikalskaya (56km)
• continue to move through the Chelpanovsky andBlack passes to the tourist center Prospector’s retreat lodge (72km)
• furtherto Listvyanka settlement (Baikal dog-sledding center 88km)
• will be specified later
• will be specified later
• will be specified later
• further movement on the reservoir to Irkutsk, Solnechniy district, icebreaker Angara (finish 155km)
19.5. Distance 500 km +
• Start - Irkutsk, Solnechniy district, icebreaker Angara,
• movement on the reservoir to SibirskayaZaimka (30km)
• further on the reservoir to the village Bolshayarechka,
• continue to move on the mainland parallel to Baikal highway,
• furtherintersect the Baikal highway and to the hotel Pribaikalskaya (finish 56km)
• continue to move through the Chelpanovsky andBlack passes to the tourist center Prospector’s retreat lodge (72km)
furtherto Listvyanka settlement (Baikal dog-sledding center 88km)
• will be specified later
• will be specified later
• will be specified later
• will be specified later
• continue to ski resort (488km)
• further access to the ice to the Kurma bay (522km)
• further on the ice of the Angara river
• further movement on the reservoir to Irkutsk, Solnechniy district, icebreaker Angara (finish 545km)
Note: The race organizers reserve the right at its discretion to change the route and length of the race route depending on weather, ice regime, force majeure and other conditions.
20. Checkpoints CP (check-point).
20.1. To ensure the safety of the participants and the control of their movement along the routes of the races, the CP will be held on the track.
20.2. There is a representative / veterinary teamworking on the CP
20.3. In some CP there will be organized communication with the staff (it will be announced at the rider’s meeting).
20.4. To control the movement of participants in the routes and the provision of assistance permitted by the regulation and the decision of the Race Marshal, the control points will be organized by the work of volunteers to provide assistance to participants.
20.5. If necessary, the rider can stay at a checkpoint on their own or by a veterinarian or a doctor on the road for recovery and rest, but this time will not be subtracted from the overall time result.
20.6. If a driver arrives at the check point, having less than the minimum dogs in a sleigh, Marshal of the race should take the decision to remove a participant from the race.
21 Shipment of riders to the control points (CP):
21.1 Before the start of the race shipment of food for dogs and riders, as well as the required equipment for riders. will be made to the checkpoints
21.2. Products, equipment must be packed in dense polypropylene bags, indicating the names of riders and the check point for shipment.
21.3. For the safety and integrity of any other packaging materials organizers do not carry any responsibility.
21.4. Shipment is carried out by the organizers
21.5. Musher prepare himself
prepared and packaged foods and things should be presented to the organizers no later than 3 days before the start of the race.
21.6. prepared and packaged foods, and things should be presented to the organizers no earlier than 3 days before the race, and not later than 24 hours before the start.
22. Equipment.
22.1. Each rider is responsible for the maintenance of himself and his team with warm clothing and adequate equipment, suitable for long-term stays, spending the night in the forest at low temperatures.
22.2 Equipment for sleds:
22.2.1 sled with a cargo platform at least 1 m, equipped with braking systems and cover. Cover should provide a place for the obligatory equipment to accommodate a tired or injured dog.
22.2.2. Anchors - 2 pcs.
22.3. Equipment for skijoring:
22.3.1. All the dogs in harnesses must always be strapped to the rider alone or pair by leash with a shock absorber.
22.3.2. Length of leash with the shock absorber in an expanded state should be at least 2.5 m but not more than 3.5 m.
22.3.3. Cross-country skiing should be safe for dogs, without a metal edging and pointed ends.
22.4. Required equipment kit for dog-sleds and skijoring:
The presence of mandatory equipment is controlled by the judges before and throughout the race length. It may be checked at the discretion of the Race Marshal in any check pointl.
All equipment must be in working order and conform to the possibility of using for its intended purpose. The mentioned equipment is necessary to ensure the safety of riders, dogs and third parties in extreme or unusual situations.
22.4.1 list of necessary equipment:
• start number;
• Route Map (provided by organizer);
• A magnetic compass;
• Spare gloves;
• Warm socks;
• Power backup for the rider (day amount);
• Matches or a lighter;
• The gas burner, gas cylinder or an alcohol burner, alcohol (155km, 500 + km)
• Dishes for boiling water
• Axe or a hunting knife;
• Repair kit. For example: Multitool;
• Wide adhesive tape
• headlamp and extra batteries;
To place dogs for rest:
• - stretching (wire) or chain for harnesses,
• - lead (s) or chain (s) for skijoring;
• spare harness: at least 2 harnesses for a dog-sled, at least 1 for skijoring;
• The leash or chain for a dog evacuation;
• dogs «Boots», at least 4 pieces for each;
• healing ointment for dogs paws;
• Reserved dog food (dry food - 0.3 (0.5) kg, or natural food - 1 kg per one dog);
• Dishes for distribution of food to the dogs;
• First-aid kit: self-adhesive bandage; on your choice: hemostatic sponge / or brilliant green / or hydrogen peroxide;
• Sleeping bag ext -30 (155km, 500 + km);
• Tourist mat;
• Falshfeer -2pieces; (155km, 500 + km);
22.4.2. Recommended:
• drink for a rider (alcohol-free);
•- Sunglasses;
• mobile phone;
• - extra warm clothing for the rider;
• - blankets for the dogs;
• tent.
23. Start. Finish. Results.
Marshal of the race reserves the right to change the starting order and start interval depending on the weather conditions, track conditions, qualifications and number of participants, which will be announced to riders in advance.
23.1. Starts:
23.1.1. Dog-sleds start first.
23.1.2. The starting order is determined by drawing lots.
23.1.3. The draw will take place at the organizational meeting for each distance and discipline separately.
23.2. The starting order:
23.2.1. participants for discipline - 500+ km, 155km, 56km,
23.2.2. Participants for discipline skijoring - 155km, 56km,
23.2.3. The interval between disciplines is 10 minutes.
23.3. Dog-sled start:
23.3.1. Start of the dog-sled is determined by the front edge of the sled.
23.3.2. Start is separate. Thestarting interval between the participants is 2 minutes.
23.3.3. The countdown begins from the scheduled start time.
23.4. Skijoring start:
23.4.1. Start of Skijoring is determined by the nose of the ski.
23.4.2. Start is separate. Starting interval between riders is 2 minutes.
23.5. If the participant does not start at the scheduled time, or not to free starting corridor during the half of the starting interval, is declared "Start later" participant, which means the start of the end of its class. "Later Start" shall be declared once. In case of delay on the reappointment of the start, the participant may be disqualified.
24. Compensation of the starting interval at the first CP (Sibirskaya Zaimka)
24.1. At the first checkpoint "Sibirskaya Zaimka" the rider is obliged to linger at least for a time equal to the difference of the amount of the starting interval and start time. (The one who started first, should wait some time = starting time + time of all intervals before the start of the last participant), etc.
24.2. After compensation of starting interval the procedure for finish will match the rating of riders.
24.3. Timekeeper counts the delay time, and informs the rider.
25. Finish:
25.1. The sled is considered finished after the first dog sled crosses the finish line.
25.2. Skijoring finish is determined by the nose of the ski.
25.3. FINISH:
• Participants at the distance of 56km, will finish on CP "hotel Pribaikalskaya";
• Participants at the distance of 155km, will finish in Irkutsk at the icebreaker Angara;
• Participants at the distance of 500 + km, finish in Irkutsk at the icebreaker Angara.
25.4. Results:
25.4.1. The winner of the race in the discipline becomes the participant who showed the least amount of time in passing distance, taking into account possible penalty time, the sum of all the stages of the race.
25.4.2. In total productive time through all disciplines the mandatory rest time is excluded
25.4.3. In case of equal results of athletes, they share the proper place, and the next place is not awarded.
26. Limit of time spent on the route
26.1. For a distance of 56km - limit is not defined;
26.2. For a distance of 155km - 24 hours after the finish of the first rider;
26.3. For a distance of 500 + km - 48 hours after the finish of the first rider.
27. Award.
27.1. Prize winners (1, 2, 3 places) are awarded with medals and diplomas of corresponding degrees, prizes from the organizers and sponsors of the competition.
27.2. All participants completed the distance will be awarded with diplomas of corresponding degrees, prizes from the organizers and sponsors of the competition.
28. Judging team.
28.1. Marshal of the race.
28.1.1. Race Marshal is responsible for compliance of the rules, as well as for all aspects of the race, since the mandatory riders meeting and finishing with the award ceremony.
28.1.2. All decisions of the Race Marshal shall be final.
28.1.3. Marshall has the right to change the rules in the course of the race and the program of the event, if he considers it necessary.
28.1.4.Marshal has the right to remove any dog / sled to race for any reasons which seem reasonable to him.
28.2. Chief veterinarian of the race.
28.2.1. Chief race veterinarian presents along all the race to lead the veterinary team, to monitor the status of the participating dogs, dogs therapy, if necessary, and advise the riders about the treatment and care of the dogs.
28.2.2. Chief veterinarian may remove any dog / sled from the race for veterinary reasons, which seem reasonable to him.
28.2.3. All decisions of the Chief veterinarian on the health and well-being of dogs are final.
28.3. Judge of the race. (Marshal Assistant of the race)
29. Security:
29.1. The organizers will provide the movement of two snowmobiles with radio communication in front of the riders and behind the riders.
29.2. At checkpoints organizers provide first aid.
29.3. The time and route of the race are recorded in the MOE units.
29.4. A closing snowmobile provides evacuation of mushers off the track.
30. Violations of the rules:
30.1. Participants of the race must comply with the regulations of the race, follow the instructions of the Race Marshal.
30.2. A rider informs the Marshal of the race about violation of the regulation and rules by the organizers of the race or the other members, orally or in writing, within one hour after completion of the stage in which the violation occurred.
30.3. Termination of participation in the race (coming off the track) without notification of the organizers of the race entails a penalty of disqualification for the next year
30.4. The cruel (inhuman) treatment to dogs entails a fine in the form of disqualification for the next year or more.
30.5. Disrespect to the people (staff, spectators, competitors) is not permitted, and is subject to penalty at the discretion of the Race Marshal.
Terms and conditions of the long-distance dog sled race "Baikal Race 2017" ( «Baikal race-2017") is fundamental. Working moments of the competition are announced by the Race Marshal, the Chief Veterinary Officer and organizers at the general meeting of participants of the race.
For foreign participants arriving for the race later than general meeting of participants, this information will be brought promptly before the day of the competition.
This provision is an official call for the race!